Created By Aru Singh
Created By Aru Singh
Created By Aru Singh
March 6th 2021 © Malphunkson™

23rd August 2022
Due to an unmitigated situation the former artist on this project has been let go and we will be looking to contracting a new illustrator to work on this project soon.
We are disappointed that an entire year's work and time invested on the project had to come to end despite the first issue being 90% completed.
But, we could see no other way forward but to cancel the contract completely and start fresh with a new illustrator.
We will keep you updated on a passion project I've been waiting to complete for 16yrs.
23rd January 2022
After 5 months of planning and discussing the number of books it will take to completely tell the story in the best and most artistic way, Dario sent through the final thumbnails of the panels and pages which he had drawn roughs of late last year.
I love these pencils and specially this one on the left of Pretti, the lead female character.
Now it's up to Malphunkson to start lettering and designing the Issue 1 while Dario continues with the Inks for the noir crime drama title.
At the moment we believe 7 issues will be the final count for DIRT.
18th July 2021
We've begun research into a Film Script written by Aruneshwar Singh to turn it into a Graphic Novel. The project is in it's early stages and it won't be out for a while.
But, here's a teaser Cover that Malphunkson designed using two very prominent plants growing in the Fiji Islands, where the story is based.
The hibiscus, a flower of beauty and the sugarcane, a natural sweetener and source of income for the cane farmers and for the islands.