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7th April 2022


We are excited to be working with some very talented artists who from all over the world in creating some very good comics in their own art style.


Keep an eye out on this website and also on our Facebook page for current updates and news.

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20th July 2021

Our very first run at creating a toy for one of our characters is almost complete.


We held an Facebook Fundraiser and were able to fully find the project.


Of course, we will be sending out a hand painted figure to out two patrons. It is amazing to see that the two persons that backed it have played two major parts in our CEO's life.


One, had the ball rolling for the PLUNGE! Convention. And the other from influence in comics as a childhood friend and neighbour.


Don't forget to back our Kickstarter for INCREDI-GIRL #1. 

7th July 2021

Our first Kickstarter kicked off on 1st July (USA) with INCREDI-GIRL #1. We had been working really hard to try and get it out on May 1st, to coincide with Aru's birthday, but you know what they say about 'best laid plans'.


So, when we finally sent it off for review we made sure that we did everything possible to make the campaign as beneficial to our backers as possible.


We had been promoting it across our various social media platforms for months and so as soon as we got the greenlight we put it out again. And we have already gotten some good support.. But, we still haven't reached our target of US#1200 yet.

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©2010-2021  Plunge Enterprises, NZ LTD.

Rising Sun Comics, Oceania


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